We continuously organise enlightenment programmes and workshops in various localities. We also provide counselling as well as motivational talks by inviting renowned professionals in the various areas of their need.
We also embark on the following:
• Consolation visits to the needy and widows,
• Human rights and abuse monitoring and support
• Workshops and seminars on health management, productive skills acquisition and application
• Rehabilitation and enterprise capacity support
• Legislative / policy advocacy.
Our empowerment projects are dependent on identified immediate and long term needs of our target groups. Our primary purpose is to empower the widows to become fully independent and self-reliant. We teach them useful skills in bead making, tie and dye, dress making, baking, arts and crafts, modern and improved methods of farming, etc.
We give special recognition to our Charity Partners who support our work with the much needed resources.
Our special appreciation goes to the following:
St. John’s Episcopal Anglican Church, Woodbridge, New Jersey, USA.
Divine Touch Bible Church International, New Jersey, USA.